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Hair Loss is no Reason to Panic!

It is perfectly normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs per day. It is a different matter when you wake up in the morning and find a lot of hair on your pillow and your brush gathers hair by the handful every day. You need to calm down and get ready to do some research into the cause(s) for the hair loss.

Don’t despair! You can fight hair loss in many ways

Under normal circumstances, the biological processes involved in hair growth are in equilibrium. Hair falls out, new hair starts growing, you win some, and you lose some. This is the normal healthy process, which reflects the various growth phases of hair. If these growth phases no longer occur as nature originally intended you may experience increased hair loss. Below, we inform you about possible causes of hair loss and what you can do about it. In case your hair loss has already lasted for more than six months, you should make an appointment with a dermatologist or your physician.

1. Hormone-Related Hair Loss

Our hormone system is very sensitive and reacts to even the tiniest changes. Under normal circumstances, the female sex hormone oestrogen ensures dense hair growth. Many women are aware of the sensational push-up effect during pregnancy. Not conducive to hair growth are male hormones (androgens), which in smaller amounts also occur in the female body. In males and in females more androgens are secreted under stress conditions. This can upset the hormone balance and can lead to hair loss. In severe cases, the dermatologist will prescribe anti-androgens. In many cases, people only need to live less hectic lives and relax more. A dysfunctional thyroid gland is another possible cause. Your doctor may take a blood sample to analyse the hormone levels and see whether they are the reason for your hair loss.

2. Hair Loss (Hair Breakage) due to Hair Care Sins

While hair is very resilient, too much stress will make it rough and fragile. Such stress may be due to bleaching, frequent colour changes, permanents or the frequent use of a flat iron to name a few stressors. Such maltreatments do not directly cause hair loss but may lead to hair breakage. The hair may break close to the roots, resulting in unsightly stubbles.
Only genuine chemical mishaps can cause direct hair loss. This happens for example when bleaching or permanent solutions remain on your scalp far too long. Once this has happened, all you can do is leave your scalp and hair alone and wait for recovery. You should use shampoo sparingly, reduce the shampooing and abstain from too much styling. If at all possible you should also omit colouring or tinting your hair for a while or at least use hair-friendly products.

3. Hair Loss Caused by Vitamin Deficiency

Hairgrowth requires a balanced vitamin-rich diet. An unbalanced diet and crash diets may lead to temporary hair loss. Hair is at its best when you stick to a balanced diet containing fruit, vegetables, protein (e. g. from milk, yoghurt, curd, lean meat and sea fish), whole grains, nuts and high-quality oils. If you cannot stick to this optimal diet it may be sensible for you to take special supplements for the hair, which include biotin, niacin, zinc as well as the vitamins  B6, B12, A and E.

4. Hair Loss Due to Immune Deficiencies

Hair loss may also be the late consequence of an infection. In spring you may suddenly notice that your hair falls out after you have had the flu in winter. The hair loss usually stops after about an equally long delay of three months, during which the damaged hair roots recover.

Other Remedies for Hair Loss

Tip 1: 

Do not comb your hair while it is still wet. Wet hair is particularly sensitive and can easily be pulled out. Instead, you should carefully dry your hair before detangling it with a wide-toothed comb

Tip 2: 

Circular pattern hair loss is very likely due to an immune deficiency. Zinc supplements sometimes help to regrow hair in these spots. It does not hurt to try zinc as a remedy, at least not in the approved dose

Tip 3: 

People who endure hormone-related acne often also suffer from hair loss. If you use birth control pills you may consider asking your doctor to prescribe birth control pills with anti-androgens. These medications help against acne and hair loss

Tip 4:

Certain medications can also lead to hair loss, among them malaria prophylactics as well as thrombosis and high blood pressure medications. You should therefore always study the package inserts and consult with your physician about medications and hair loss

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